Monday, January 31, 2011

Working From Home

Working from home is kind of like an oxy moron when you have 2 kids under the age of 3.  I always assumed that working from home would be more challenging than it seemed with or without kids, but I never expected it to be this challenging.  I think one of the things that stresses me out on a daily basis is the working aspect of my life. If I were truly a SAHM or one that worked part time out of the house, I think I would actually be a lot less stressed.  Over the past 8 months since Addie was born I have become better with managing my time and getting things done. But truth be told both of my kids have been sick and no one is sleeping so I struggle really hard to work for 10hrs a week.  I know you are probably thinking "well then why are you writing this blog?"  which is totally true, but this is an outlet for me and a guilty pleasure so leave me alone! :) 

A few months ago I was stressing out about my 2 at home jobs, I do marketing/advertising for a realtor as well as HR for a Dr's office.  While I was about to have a breakdown I posted on Facebook that I needed to take a workshop on how to balance working from home.  The first person to respond was a girl I use to work with in college at a local restaurant, she works from home doing graphic design and has a cake company, she also lives alone without kids, she just got engaged.  Her darling response went something like this "...I find that if I find a quiet spot in the house, put on some relaxing music, light a candle and get a big cup of coffee I can work very efficiently!..."  Well isn't that just a dandy idea, so the next day I set out to find the quietest spot in my house.  We don't have any candles at the house other than citronella, so I decided against lighting one of those.  I also needed to find the only room that has a locking door since I needed to be alone and hide from the family.  So taking the advice from my friend here is what I came up with: (watch the video now)

Serene isn't it?  I turned the fan (that obviously needs replaced) on for a little relaxing music.  The problem with my new home office is that I can either sit on the toilet or sit on the floor with my laptop on the toilet but then I kept feeling like Buzz Lightyear was staring at me!

Needless to say, while I do appreciate her kind words they really didn't work out so well for me.  So I would love to offer you some advice into how I make it work and the truth is, I just do.  I work on the couch during nap time and after the kids have both gone to bed.  Lucky for me both of my jobs are computer based so I don't have to pull out a bunch of paperwork every time I need to work.  My time is kept on post it notes on my desktop, which what in the world would I do without desktop post it notes, and I send myself text messages all day long.  The funny thing about this is right after I press send when I hear it ring through I always think "ooooh who's texting me?!?!?" and then I remember it was just me.


  1. LOL! That is the only quiet place in our house, too. Love it :)

  2. I know there are some softwares out there (I'm sure there is a free one) that will help you clock your time. Might be worth it to search one out. In your 'free' time of course! Hang in there chica! Working at home is hard. Cause your home, the kids are home AND they are making a mess. That being said, it's GOT to be better than dealing with daycare germs and hauling them back and forth! HUGS!

  3. Lol - I was for sure you were going to zoom out from the curtain (which I know realize is the shower curtain!) to reveal some beautiful desk with a mug of hot tea...alas, it's the bathroom - which is where many people go for some indepth soul searching & quiet time, so you are not alonge my dear!
