Friday, February 11, 2011

De Clutter

As I have said before we live in a fairly small house, we love it, but we are constantly trying to be creative with our growing family.  We try to think things as minimal as possible because 1-we don't have much space and 2-Jason is anal retentive.  Jason also has an obsession with side tables, like a real obsession, so he is always looking for new ones, coming home with one and rearranging the living room and the dining room.  Well we have this little desk that he just had to have, that we are supposed to put the mail on so that we don't have a pile on the table.  Well this little desk doesn't really have any type of organizing so it just ends up over flowing with mail and then looks like a total eye sore but I pick my battles and I use the desk.  I hate junk mail and noticed the other week that we have been getting a ton of pre-approved credit card applications.  We are each getting about 3-4 a day and then I realized that our 5 year opt out had expired.  So I wanted to pass this along, because I must admit I don't shred like I should I usually recycle half and throw away the other.  If you are looking to help reduce clutter, hey I'll take it where ever I can, you can go to Opt Out Pre Screen and be removed from the distribution lists for 5 years electronically or permanently by mail.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder! Maybe you could put a small trashcan by the small desk so the junk mail can go into it to go to the recycling...
