Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Order?

Whenever I'm at the grocery or Target I always find myself faced with the same dilemma.  You would think now that I have 2 kids that I would have this problem figured out but yet I still find myself second guessing myself and thinking "I wonder what other people do?  Do they stress out about this as much as I do?".  So my question what order do you take the bags out, put the baby(s) in and put the cart back?  I always try to park right next to the cart corall so that I don't get totally stressed out, but that isn't always an option.  When the weather is nice it doesn't really matter I usually unload the bags, then drop off the cart then come back to the car.  But since I do live in Ohio this rarely happens, so there I find myself on weekly basis not knowing what to do.  Here are the 3 scenarios that I think of:

a) Put baby in car, then bags, then return cart, then Aug.
b) Bags, then cart, then baby(s)
c) Cart, then bags, then baby(s)

Now something I always think about doing but I never have, especially on days when it is freezing or extremely hot is too actually start the car.  But then the little voice in the back of my mind says you are leaving your kid(s) in a running car to return a cart.  And you know all of those Lifetime Movies, that I now regret ever watching, they always say it only takes a second.  But besides not starting my car, I usually always put Addie in first, then the bags, then take the cart and last load Augie.  I always feel like people stare at me like "She just put her baby in the car and walked away!!!!"

Ok, so I know I am probably totally being irrational about this, but I have always wondered what everyone else does.  Make sure to leave a comment so that everyone can see.  It is stuff like this they need a section for in the baby books!!


  1. I always try to park next to the carts as well- or if I am too far, then yes I am that person who just leaves the cart in the middle of the parking lot (I am sorry!! but I cannot go run off and put it back in those things with my kids in the car!) Anyways, I put Gabrielle (baby) in first, then Iz, then unload groceries, then cart. Esp when it is cold. I have a remote start to my car so will usually turn it on while I am there- but my keys are with me and the car cannot move without the keys in it)

    again- sorry I am "that" person who will sometimes leave my cart in random places!

  2. I have a 10 month old. I usually try to park next to the carts as well. If that isn't possible, I first put DD in her car seat, then unload the groceries. I then lock the car and run and drop the cart back, I'm gone less the thirty seconds so I try not to feel bad. I always feel like someone is watching and judging me for it, but I rather her be warm.

  3. lol I have totally been there with worrying about leaving her in the car, even for just a second, and even with her being 18 months! Just yesterday I debated this when we went to the grocery. Even with it being cold out, I unloaded the groceries, then put her in the car, LOCKED the doors (because I'm anal like that) and ran the cart to the cart corral and ran back. I did this basically when she was little (except sometimes I was that jerk that left the cart in the middle of the cars (I forgive those people now)).

  4. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about this! I guess I forgot the option about just leaving the cart, I also have asked people to take the cart back for me. :)

  5. I don't have this dilemma any longer with Matt being older, but I agree with putting the child(ren) in the car and locking the doors while you put the cart in the coral. Leaving the carts unattended or not in the coral is a BIG pet peave of mine. I've have them hit my car, not only do I have a upset husband but also have to pay the deductable or bill which is ever less.
    I think it all comes down to you do what is best for you and your family.
