Sunday, February 6, 2011

Reusable Snack Bags

For awhile now I have been hating all of the zip lock baggies I throw away a week.  I wouldn't say I'm total granola but I do try to be earth friendly.  I try to reduce what we throw away for two reasons, 1) I like to recycle when I can and 2) we have to pay for trash and recycling is free.  So being less wasteful does really save money for us.   In the community that we live in our trash is not rolled into our water bill or taxes, we have to buy trash stickers.  Each sticker costs $2.90 (I think they just went up) and 1 sticker is good for one 50 gallon trash can.  So we try to only fill one large outside trash can per week.  On a side note when they last reported our area had 30-40% less waste then other area's so it is a pretty good idea, except for when it's 10pm and you realize you are out of trash stickers and you have to run to the grocery to buy some!

Anyways back on track, so I was thinking of buying some reusable snack bags when fate stepped in and my friend blogged that she was going to start making some.  I call that divine intervention!! The day I was looking (I kid you not) this was her blog post Pictures for my new adventure.  So I ordered myself 6 and absolutely love them.  I have been using them for dry snacks, the kids nebulizer attachments,and hide the toy for Addie (a game we play and we put different toys in them for Addie to try to get out).  I can honestly say that I have probably cut our baggie usage in half already and I haven't even had them for a whole week.

So I definitely recommend checking out her blog, it's kind of funny because we have never actually met in real life but she is a dear friend of my sister and we kind of live this bizarre parallel life and have a lot in common.  Her blog  is Make A Silk Purse.

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